Industry News | AOL & Nintendo Aim for First Revolution

By Adam Riley 21.04.2006 42

Nintendo and are in hot pursuit to pick one lucky video game fan to fly to Los Angeles to be the first in the world to play Nintendo's next home console, code-named Revolution.

After signing up at, three finalists for Nintendo's First-to-Play Sweepstakes will attend Nintendo's international media briefing on May 9 prior to the start of the Electronics Entertainment Expo, the most important video game industry event of the year. The winner will appear on stage to experience the new console in front of thousands of top industry insiders and reporters.

"No consumer has ever played this new Nintendo system before," says George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "But more importantly, no one has ever interacted with video games in this way before. Our next home console will revolutionize how people play and experience video games."

The new Nintendo console will open the world of video games to new audiences through the use of its innovative controller. Shaped like a remote control, it allows users to direct the action on the television screen through the motion of the controller itself.

"As one of the leading game destinations on the Web, we are thrilled to partner with Nintendo to give our AOL Games community the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be the very first person to play the highly anticipated Revolution console," said Ralph Rivera, Vice President & General Manager, AOL Games.

People can enter the sweepstakes between April 21 and April 28 by registering at Entrants do not need to be members of AOL. Three finalists chosen at random will fly with one guest each for a two-night stay in Los Angeles. The three finalists will enjoy VIP seating at Nintendo's media briefing in Hollywood at the Kodak Theatre, home to the Oscars. One of the finalists will be selected at random to step onto the stage and usher in the new era of video games. Entrants must be 18 or older. For more information about Nintendo's First to Play Sweepstakes, visit

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Well i think its safe to say, I feel left out, Stupid rules.

"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

They are the most bullshit ISP around


if i won the competition, i would attempt to steal the REvo.

Yep, I'm on AOL (but use Opera and ignore the AOL browser as much as possible/log in without it). Just because something's simple and easy to use it doesn't make it kiddy (though to be honest I don't see how you can get 'simple' out of the AOL browser if you've used it - in concept, perhaps, but in reality the thing's a minefield of crap).

They don't try to make you use it if you don't want too, when you install you can chose between that and the dialler program - just one little icon on the taskbar with no added features other than the connection itself.

Are you saying they're bullshit just because they try to simplify things and include optional extra features for certain users? Can't really see your logic if that's so; do you want things to be overly complex or what? You're not a parent so you don't have to use the parental controls either.

They advertise the simplicity of the software to appeal to a wider audience; they don't go around removing features to make it so. How would you say it simple anyway? The internet is

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

All u need.


AOL is the biggest pile of trash I ever did come across. Their "keyword" crap really became annoying in the past, and it just hasn't changed. Apparently they also leave some files on your PC you can't remove, or something irritating like that.

The only thing good, imo, about them is that they're a huge, well known ISP and partnering/working with Nintendo will do the company good and could boost their online services.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

tismatron said:
18 over only and US i hate you nintendo for ifgnoring the UK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The UK pretty mcuh ignores Nintendo..

Sounds like a neat thing, though I wouldn't enter even if I was old enough. Wouldn't be worth the hassle to me...

I remember AOL and Nintendo teamed up ages ago for somthin, anyone remember that?

Blade2t3 said:
I remember AOL and Nintendo teamed up ages ago for somthin, anyone remember that?

Nintendo fans were given free AOL discs or something.

just about to post this! hopefully i can get my mom to enter for me cuz this would be SWEETSmilie

If i win, highest bidder gets it!

On a interesting side note, how much would you pay for that ticket? I'd probably pay around one million, trillion, billion, kajillion, ka-da-da-doo-dle-neah-fa-sha-wa-ka-jillion.... yen.

*oh, and perhaps an oregon or two.

( Edited on 23.04.2006 08:12 by MasterStyl )

I thought it was fairly common knowledge AOL was the "my first internet connection" of ISPs?

msenyszak said:
I thought it was fairly common knowledge AOL was the my first internet connection of ISPs?

So did I. My mate used it and it was absolute murder to use.

I thought it was fairly common knowledge AOL was the "my first internet connection" of ISPs?

But is it not irrelevant to the overall service if you (like me) generally ignore the main software and merely use the connection which is of a good price from my experience (29.99 a month for 8MB BB and no download limits) and is perfectly stable in my experience also.

Cheers for the link Joe, but that site didn't present any reasons that would sway my opinion either. None of the issues that are raised (that I could find, the site seemed a bit jumbled) have affected me so far.

Maybe I've just been excessively lucky and am the only one, but I have never had any problems with the company or it's software, hell I even had a successful collaboration with a tech guy for a small issue a while back which was resolved straight away (something that site deems night on impossible).

Anyway this is for another topic really, bad mod. Moving on

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Aols image is being like a preschool internet, though. Thats all, really.

Hmm i always just thought of them as some Mega American internet corperation.

DaOne said:
Just a slight off topic note, why is Nintendo and AOL a good thing? Do they want to seem even more kiddy?
XD What the hell!?

Anyway... Can you imagine if someone that didn't even like Nintendo that much won this competition... They'd get completely lynched by fanboys Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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