Nintendo News | 300,000 Units of Mother 3 Shipped in Japan

By Adam Riley 20.04.2006 11

Quick News - Nintendo has confirmed that it has shipped 300,000 units of Japan's most wanted game, RPG Mother 3 for the GBA, on its first day of release there. The company expects this to sell out quickly and already has another shipment ready to go out to stores.

Stick with C3 to see how the game charts next week...

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Definitely superb news and I think it's quite likely it'll sell out with the hype it's been receiving, not to mention the positive coverage received in Famitsu.

Awesome, it'll definitely sell a crap load given there are billions of people who have waited for this for a decade!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

...Smilie the only thing I know of about Mother is Marth from Super Smash Bros Melee... I'll await for the baseball bashing.

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Marth has nothing to do with Mother. It's Mr. Saturn and Ness that have something to do with Mother. A lot to do with Mother, actually.

Marth is from Fire Emblem. Ness is the baseball bat wielder from Mother. However, there doesn't seem to be any sign of him in Mother 3 from what we've seen.

Smilie That's what i meant. For some reason I got MArth mixed up with Ness. Don't ask why. It's been along time since i played that game.

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Never really got into the Earthbound games. Maybe Mother 3 will show me what I've been missing out on.

That's a surprise! Earthbound certainly did kick ass. I cant wait for this now.

( Edited on 20.04.2006 16:31 by Clarkman )

I'm invigorated by all this Mother news and am definitely going to dig out Earthbound...time for a long overdue Retro review of it, methinks.

The only real competition Mother 3 faces this week is the Dragon Quest spin-off RPG featuring Yangus from DQVIII on the PS2...I predict 250,000 for Mother 3 and about 190,000 for the DQ game...

But that's a bit of a biased guess Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Not at all surprised, I've seen the Mother3 GameBoy Micro going on sale soon, very plush.
What an excellent move by Nintendo, assuring themselves another boost in Micro sales in the near future to make good on their promise to market themselves more aggressively in the face of stiffer competition.

After some thoughts (and time), I must say this series may be impossible to translate into english. It is only my opinion, but I can't help but feel the key appeal of this series is the human relationship, which just doesn't exist in the US/UK culture.

SNES Earthbound wasn't a bad try, but it was heralded for its bizarreness than the emotional appeal.

What do you all think about this? Personally, I think Mother series is the japanese version of Baked Beans. I strongly believe that most British/Americans would be scratching their heads wondering why Mother series is doing so well in Japan.

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