Nintendo News | Revolution to Launch with 20 Games?

By Adam Riley 09.04.2006 65

Quick News: Over at Idle Thumbs there is a story about the latest GameInformer magazine interviewing Nintendo of America's VP of Marketing, George Harrison. Apparently he states that there will be approximately 20 Revolution games ready for launch, a third of which from Nintendo itself! About six/seven Nintendo games 'ready for launch' - meaning probably for release in the launch window instead?

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Well i could say that it would be : Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros, Mario 128, LOZ: TP are a few perhaps Pikmin 3 and Waverace revo from the Nintendo side......

I really hope kid Icarus is one of the bombs droped at E3. Now that would be special!!

( Edited on 09.04.2006 09:59 by Pizzashapes )

Yay, i want pikmin3 Smilie

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Pilotwings Revolution? It could happen

wow. even 5 Nintendo games in the launch window would be great. (the Cube had 4 didn't it? pikmin, luigi's mansion, smash, wave race?)

Its great to confirm that we'll have more than just smash brothers on Launch. And we REALLY are due for a mario platformer. More so than Pikmin or Metroid and definitely more than Zelda.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

20 titles... means little to me, i want to know WHAT those titles are. If such games like SSB, Metroid and Mario are launch titles, a very good and strong launch for the Revolution.

Well, personally I'd be happy with ONE title.. Smash Bros!

However, I'm assuming they are the games that have taken the longest to develop;

Mario 128
Metroid 3
Red Steel
Smash Bros "R" (Meh...)
Kirby Platformer (The missing Cube Game)
DK Platformer (spoken of a while ago)
Wario Ware - Revolved! (Or something)

That would be an ideal launch for me, because I would want all of those games!

theduffman said:
wow. even 5 Nintendo games in the launch window would be great. (the Cube had 4 didnt it? pikmin, luigis mansion, smash, wave race?)

Pikmin and Smash Bros were both released a little while after launch. I can't remember the full GC launch line-up, but it was awful. Monkey Ball was the saving grace.

A twenty-game launch line-up is feasible, but perhaps unlikely; only half the games promised at launch ever actually turn up on the day, so we'll see. Also, Japanese launches seem to usually have far more available titles than launches in the West. Either way, a new Smash Bros seems the most likely candidate for a 'big' Nintendo title, presumably alongside a special version of Twilight Princess.

( Edited on 09.04.2006 11:12 by Raindog )

Super Smash Bros. Revolution
Metroid Prime 3
New Miyamoto IP
Pilotwings Revolution
Kirby (GC upgraded to Rev)
Twilight Princess (pseudo-launch title, comes as GC game)Mario Party or Wario Ware
Mario Revolution

Those're what I see possibly coming at or around launch. Top to bottom = most likely to least likely.

( Edited on 09.04.2006 11:32 by Mason )

Pizzashapes said:
I really hope kid Icarus is one of the bombs droped at E3. Now that would be special!!

Hell yeah! I loved the original. Hopefuly they'll come up with something special with this franchise. Lets be honest, with the story, character and weapon's to utilise - it could be on par with LOZ....but only if Nintendo treat it correctly.

20 games for launch? Thats a lot, but it gives a massive amount of choice for us gamers. Hopefuly, Nintendo will see the need for a decent driving game in that list, look at the DS and the racers that sold on that at launch! Smilie

Don't forget Red Steel! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

im hopeing that a new wave race game is one of those launch games. just imagen what the water effects would look like on the revolution. they would be so relistic that you would feel the need to try and jump through the screen and go for a swim.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

OMG maybe waverace RSSmilie could by on the list!!!! cool.

( Edited on 09.04.2006 11:40 by Shagster )

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Im more wanting some sort of star wars game, Imean i always wanted a lightsabre, and now my wish can come true

Didn't George Harrison also say that Nintendo are still deciding on whether to include 2 sets of controlers?

They really should.... one thing I can never get round to is buying more controllers.

1. Mario
2. Pikmin III
3. Brain Training
4. Donkey Kong
5. Wave Race
6. New Miyamoto IP
7. Smash Bros
8. Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
9. Spiderman 3
10.Trauma Centre
11. Star Wars
12. Red Steel
13. Temco Golf
14. Zoonami IP
15. EA Game 1
16. EA Game 2
17. Sonic Rev
18. Aq interactive Game
19. Midway Game
20. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Different Predictions guys? I reckon seeing as donkey kong has been used for spinoffs recently (konga, jungle beat, king of swing) it'll be a rev specific game. Brain Training took 3 months or something to develop, they'll want to ride on that cheap success. Zoonami have been too quiet for too long...

Well, personally I'd be happy with ONE title.. Smash Bros!


They really should.... one thing I can never get round to is buying more controllers


And Jamain, that list looks pretty spot on. If there really is going to be 20 titles at release I expect most of those to be in there. Can't wait to see what Miyamoto's new IP is, who knows what goes on in that head

Kirby (GC upgraded to Rev)

Has that been confirmed? I haven't heard anything about that game for ages!

20 titles is definately possible but I can't see 6/7 Nintendo games at launch. I'd be happy with 3 Nintendo games if they're semi-decent.

I was just counting the Nintendo titles. Smilie If we're counting them all, Red Steel, shove in a Tiger Woods game from EA, some random thing from SEGA, perhaps a Tony Hawks game, some random stuff from other people...

Kirby Revolution isn't confirmed, but I think it's pretty much certain by this point. We've not been shown anything for a year and it'd be pointless to have it coming out as a GC title when nobody'll buy it. They might as well use it to strengthen the Revolution line up.

(As a side note, who wants Kirby Canvas Curse/Power Paintbrush Revolution, with better bosses this time? ME!)

some random thing from SEGA

NiGHTS.... maybe?

I will accept any of the following:

Burning Rangers
Decent 3D Sonic
Super Monkey Ball

Also, they may create new versions of SEGA Rally, Afterburner or Space Harrier if they like.

Burning Rangers

Oh god yes!

I think there is a lot of potential for Super Hang On and Echo the Dolphin from Sega.

Id love to see FZero or Waverace using the leaning/tilting functions of the controller.

See no Wiivil
Hear no Wiivil
Speak no Wiivil

Kirby Revolution isn't confirmed, but I think it's pretty much certain by this point. We've not been shown anything for a year and it'd be pointless to have it coming out as a GC title when nobody'll buy it. They might as well use it to strengthen the Revolution line up.

Hopefully it will be shown at E3 (probably switched to Revolution, like you said). I hope it hasn't been canned!

Final Fantasy would definitely be a system seller for sure, especially in Japan. Crystal Chronicles part 2 please! SmilieSmilie

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