Radical Entertainment seem to be another developer to add to those that are diving on Revolution like rugby players on a ball. The developers, who created the Crash Bandicoot racing title Crash Tag Team Racing, are advertising for a Revolution programmer "with a penchant for pushing the envelope and a lust for 3rd person action games" on their website. They also boast that the would-be programmer would "be one of the first to work on the Nintendo's new Revolution platform."
Duties include implementing Revolution specific features, working with designers closely to make sure said features utilise the controller as they should. It also hinted that programmers should be able to work with "medium-to-large" projects.
The specific references to the controller hopefully show that they will be attempting to make as much use of the unique controller as possible. It is unknown what form this 3rd person action game will take, or whether it will be an existing franchise or creating an entirely new one, but we hope to have news on it as soon as possible.
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