Nintendo Revolution | Bob Ross Painting Game

By James Temperton 04.04.2006 4

There he is, in all his hairy glory. Bob Ross Inc. have licensed AGFRAG (they make games) to produce a Bob Ross videogame for both the Nintendo DS and Revolution systems. The titles will be based on Bob's very own TV series (a worldwide phenomenon, the show, not his hair) to create a creative, unique product.

The game is currently untitled (a handy thing for a games database...) and will be developed for PC, DS and Revolution. AGFRAG are currently seeking a publisher for the title which they hope to launch later this year.

AGFRAG's Director of Development, Joseph Hatcher, has this to say about the announcement:

"I grew up watching Bob Ross on PBS and was always in awe of how quickly and smoothly he made these beautiful paintings, which helped inspire my creativity. There are generations that know Bob Ross and his painting techniques, and I want to share his talent with future generations in a new medium. "

"The Bob Ross game will utilize the unique inputs that the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Revolution have that can truly immerse the players while they learn to paint like Bob Ross and can play the addictive and fun games that we have planned for the title. I believe that Bob Ross Inc's and AGFRAG Entertainment Group's similar beliefs in independence, creativity, and teaching others will benefit how the game is developed and how the players of all ages will be able to enjoy this game. "

"I want the community to share with us their favorite Bob Ross shows, painting techniques, and what they'd like to see in the NDS and Revolution games. We want to keep the brush going."

The Joy of Painting is seen on nearly 300 public television stations throughout the United States, and is broadcast in Japan, Mexico, The Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Turkey, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Costa Rica, Canada, Colombia, Iran, Greece and others.

If you're amazed as us, the excitement from this will keep you happy for years to come. If the prospect of a Bob Ross videogame does not excite you, then you are dead inside. We'll have more Bob Ross related news very soon (or not).


Information page for  ()Game Details
Box art for




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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Im dead inside...

lol, like the box art Smilie, seriosuly though it would be a pretty cool ame it actually tought you how to paint, could even become the next Brain Training.

I think this is great news. Not specifically this title, but the fact that people are thinking completely outside the safety zone of consoles and gaming.

For every Bob Ross painting we could get a new Nintendogs... Think about it terms of what it stands for instead of this specific title, and we have something huge.

See no Wiivil
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Smilie WTF!! Smilie WTF!! Smilie WTF!!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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