News coming through that a "best of" selection from a list of over 1,000 Mega Drive games will be on the Virtual Console. There will also be titles from the TurboGrafx console (a system jointly developed by NEC and Hudson) on the service.
"SEGA's support for Revolution and its download service Virtual Console will make more players to enjoy and try the classic Mega Drive-games and make old brands reach abroader audience.", says Naoya Tsurumi, VD, SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe, Ltd.
Thanks to Nintendo's new download service will everyone who plays Revolution to be able to dowload classics games who previusly appeared on the following systems NES, SNES, N64 and Sega Mega Drive. With a game library with over 1,000 Mega Drive-titles has Sega very good chances to offer classic top class games to gamers all across the world."
More news as it breaks, stick with C3.