Revolution Rumour | Final Name: Nintendo GO?

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.03.2006 9

It's several hours before what is hyped to be project Revolution's name disclosure, and the Internet is buzzing (as usual). Reports have come in of what could possibly be Nintendo's next console name or a service/peripheral.

It's a Photoshop nerd's ultimate dream, but there could be some truth in this image.">Engadget received a photo of what's said to be a slide from a Japanese presentation. One would question the authenticity of the text, but Engadget Japan has confirmed that there is some, if not vague, correctness. Whilst it does seem a little fake, the title is interesting - "Nintendo Go" - pretty catchy.

Could this be Nintendo Revolution's online service? The word "Go" also means the number 5 in Japan so this may possibly co-inside with the Revolution being the fifth main home console the company is releasing.

Regardless we'll hopefully know whether or not the image is a hoax in several hours. Time to speculate!

Stick with C3 for future updates!

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Smilie A portable GC, most likely to be fake. What do you think?

( Edited on 29.04.2006 20:20 by Monkey D. Luffy )

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

That picture makes me feel VERY dizzy.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Yeah, I thought it looks odd too, but I cant quite put my finger on itSmilie.

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }
Guest 29.04.2006#4

Is it me or wasn't this an article posted a month or so ago?

Guest 29.04.2006#5

Monkey Wii. Luffy said:
Smilie A portable GC, most likely to be fake. What do you think?( Edited on 29.04.2006 20:20 by Monkey D. Luffy )

Is it me, or did they just use exactly the same hands as those used in the PSP promotional shots?

[edit] and where are the buttons?

( Edited on 29.04.2006 20:27 by )

They used the same "hands" in the Wii shots too, I think.

( Edited on 29.04.2006 20:28 by Monkey D. Luffy )

K ii k said:
Is it me or wasnt this an article posted a month or so ago?


( Edited on 29.04.2006 20:31 by Monkey D. Luffy )

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }
Guest 29.04.2006#7

I mean, look:

They're even in the same position, just tilted a bit.

[edit] well, not Exactly maybe, but you get my point.

( Edited on 29.04.2006 20:36 by )

Yeah, when the new news posting system was brought in, JB warned that many older news posts would go missing. This story is a key example of where they ALL got wiped out Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Please don't bump up old news when it's obviously not this.

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