Metroid Prime World Record

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.05.2003 1

Metroid Prime Time
The GameCube's best action/adventure title has been obliterated in record time.

Metroid Prime, a title that had promised hours, yes, hours of epic gameplay coupled with perhaps the most expansive world to be in where your environment and skills are concerned. Even the best of gamers would need at least 20 hours of passionate play time to complete this game... but, according to Twin Galaxies - the Worldwide authority on gaming statistics, a record time has been set for the completion of Metroid Prime, by Henru Wang from Berkeley, California USA.

The Time
1 hour and 46 minutes

No, that isn't some bizzare other planet time, that is a true record where history is concerned. Completing one of the best Nintendo titles in under 2 hours is a mass achievement, and quite rightly one of the most significant entries to the record books.

The lucky reporter for Twin Galaxies did interview the dedicated gamer.

Image for Metroid Prime World Record In this video he demonstrates the skills of a top level gamer. Such expert techniques that require three dimensional thinking that I witnessed in the video included: 1) Blind Moving - Henru knew where he was at all times in the environment. He was able to move back, left and right, while engaging enemies, or while scanning objects. It saves precious seconds when you don't have to actually turn the character to face the direction you need to go.
2) Combination Techniques - Henru, and many other players in the Metroid Prime community have found ways to combine techniques that result in totally new techniques. For example, Henru was able to reach a short cut with strategic bomb placement, while taking advantage of the different physics of ball mode versus normal mode.Image for Metroid Prime World Record

3) Sequence Breaking - This is where enterprising gamers have found ways to go through the game in different orders. This helps to discover the fastest way through the game.

What does this mean. Well, it seems in recent times that many talented gamers have risen and are competing to set records for the most significant games our there. Do you have what it takes to set a world record, then do so by visiting Twin Galaxies.

The time for beating Metroid Prime is immense, and I doubt it can be beaten, although on some sites, there are gamers who claim to be attempting to beat many of the scores. It can be done, and you do go down in history as the best for that game so hard work is rewarded.

Twin Galaxies

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