Nintendo News | Official Third DS Version Not That Unlikely

By Adam Riley 21.02.2006

With the Nintendo DS Lite not even tied down to a firm Western release date yet, Reggie-Fils Aime has gone on record stating that a further version of the DS would be possible. Here is the quote from Engadget's interview:

Engadget: [Could we] probably expect a third iteration of the DS about 18 months from now?

Reggie Fils-Aime: I wouldn't say that that's an unreasonable assumption. Look at how many times we've improved on the Game Boy Advance in terms of the look, the feel, screen changes, and everything else. We believe that type of constant innovation is critical to driving this industry, and certainly if you look at the world wide sales of Game Boy Advance, I don't think anyone would disagree.

You can read the full interview here:

  • Engadget Chats to Reggie
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