In October of last year, the Vice President of Epic Games Mark Rein went on record stating that he did not think too highly of the Nintendo Revolution's control system, with it being nothing more than a gimmick. However, soon after he confirmed that these comments had been taken out of context and were not exactly his true feelings.
Well, after perhaps being privileged enough to sample the unique device, Rein has spoken to CV&G about what he thinks of Nintendo's plans now. He was asked the following question and answered quite frankly:
CV&G: Moving onto Nintendo and its plans for the Revolution - what do you make of its approach? Is it a system you'd look to develop for?
MR: We're definitely interested in it [Revolution] and we're looking forward to seeing the specifications and where it sits in terms of graphical capability. We're interested in looking at it, we've spoken to Nintendo and expressed our interest.
Will we ever see Gears of War or Unreal Tournament on Nintendo new system? Only time will tell...
Keep it locked to C3 for further news!