Feature | Zelda Week

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.05.2003 1

We will be covering the essential games in the Zelda series, one per day, each day this week, also coupled with the essential C3 awards, featured articles and a very nice surprise from Lee. Also, some brand new featured articles on interesting topics in the Zelda franchise.

Zelda: The Wind Waker, has been released across Europe today, being a Friday, but officially tommorow as to celebrate the 1st year the GameCube's been alive in the continent. We will be covering this mass event, impressions, screens, QandA as well as some excellent interactions to see you through, unless you're addicted to Zelda, which you will be.

Time Table
2nd: Zelda Import Review
3rd: Birthday Bash
4th: Legend of Zelda Review
5th: Zelda II
6th: A Link to the Past
7th: Ocarina of Time
8th: Majoras Mask
9th: Wind Waker Review [pal]

We'll be exploring the worlds of Zelda, taking a journey through the epic adventures of our ickle Hylian friend, unearting the classic games and adding some featured articles and impressions to the lineup above. You'll enjoy it, perhaps a tad bit more than playing Zelda.

Good Luck, and I hope you obtain a copy of the game before stock runs out! What, you're still here?

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