More OLD Sonic to come?!

By Lee Sanders 22.03.2003 1

More Sonic to come?!

I just got this tiny bit of news from and they had some exciting news for the Sonic fans!

It seems that Sega are worried about the Sonic games of the early-mid 90s being forgotten, as they announce that yet more of their mascot's 2D romps are to make a comeback on Gamecube, but not in the form of another compilation, as some have speculated.

This news comes only just after the release of Sonic Mega Collection, which reunites 7 of the Mega Drive titles on the Gamecube. Anyone wondering why the Game Gear Sonic outings weren't present on the disc can now be aware that Sega are set to include them on the GC re-release of Sonic Adventure. Presumably they'll be bonuses accessed from the menu, perhaps to be unlocked first, but however they appear the news is definitely good.

There were plenty of Sonic titles on the doomed 8-bit handheld, like unique equivalents of Sonic 1 and 2, the exclusive Sonic Chaos, Sonic Triple Trouble and Tails' Adventure, as well as the famously awful Sonic Drift. Which of these will be included with Sonic Adventure DX is a total mystery, but they should guarantee some serious value for money when the title is released later in the year.”

Interesting stuff there, and will be a warm welcome to the many peoples Sonic collection.

But the big question is. Will Sonic Adventure DX sell when its being released nearly two years after the sequel?


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