If you're not a PC gamer, then you probably don't know how legendary blizzard is. They're the only company to instead of pumping out as many games as possible, they make very few games, but they make them good. Damn do they make them good.
This is blizzards first outing to consoles around the world, and they're going to make it a good one. Having they're own franchise on the line here it can't possibly be bad.
The original starcraft game was release in 1998 and is still one of the best strategy games ever release, on multiplayer and singleplayer alike. And in one of the races that you could choose, the one i am talking about being 'Terran' there is a character named 'Ghost'.
In the original game these crafty things are for stealth and mainly launching nuclea strikes on an enemys base. Witch makes it obviously why they chose thise character for the game. The stealth, the moves, the ghost is just generaly Terrans coolest unit. Except for maybe battle cruisers.
Fans of the original are just overjoyed that it's set in the Starcraft universe. How cool would it be killing thousands of one unit then finally seeing it up close and personal and seeing it how all those little men your controlling see it!
Another reason why they chose the ghost for this is because of it's fantastic moves. There are no moves or units that wern't in the original starcraft that i have seen, it's all part of the fantastic Starcraft world.
Lockdown This is definately the best move in the original starcraft for ghosts. They can make a mechanicle unit 'locked-down' and continue firing at the enemy without it being able to do a thing.
Sniping Just like in games like MGS and Splinter Cell, sniping is a main part in the game, of coarse you'll want to run into a room and use all your fancy moves that the makers of MGS can only dream of, but it's stealth.
Invisibility Yep, thats right just like on the original starcraft you can turn invisible. Unfortunitly in ghost you will have to move slow because if you run then you will leave a blur of some kind and the enemy can see you
Weapons Along with the Ghosts standard amazing shot-gun type weapon you can take control of weapons such as the marines machine gun and the firebats flamethrower. And there'll be the odd turret gun put in the odd place.
Vehicles You will be able to take over vehicles from the terran race such as Vultures, Goliaths and even Siege Tanks.
For more information on Starcraft: Ghost go to they're official web site here at: www.blizzard.com/ghost
Cube Magazine and Blizzard