INSiGHT: Play Expo Glasgow Indie Corner

By Lilly Kirchner 20.06.2023

Admittedly, one of the best features of Play Expo Glasgow was the area dedicated to indie game developers. It was extremely interesting to try out brand-new games and chat to the creators. Here's a little overview of what was available.

Polterguys is a fun, family friendly multiplayer game. Developed by Madorium, who were involved in the Hello Neighbour franchise. Each player plays as a little ghost that has to evade the big monster for as long as possible, and several power-up items can help with that! Players lose if they get caught too often - it feels bizarrely like Mario Kart even though there is no racing involved. Each stage is a different setting, such as a barn or room, that can be roamed freely. It's fast-paced, cute and colourful, and it can be incredibly difficult! Not only the adults had a great time with it, it was a true hit with the children, as well.
We had the exciting chance to interview the game director for Polterguys: Andy Santos! His industry history and knowledge was marvellous, we can thank him for EA's Skate!

Image for INSiGHT: Play Expo Glasgow Indie Corner

Skye Tales
Developed by Puny Astronaut and published by 4J Studios, Skye Tales has players diving into a fantastical world of relaxation and beauty. This title is aimed at children and adults that enjoy some relaxing puzzle solving. Playing as a Skye, a friendly wyrm, players can solve simple puzzles in a beautiful and magical village. There is no pressure, no way to lose - and with the relaxing soundtrack this is truly a title to get lost in.

Image for INSiGHT: Play Expo Glasgow Indie Corner

Studio Lowtek
This studio has a plethora of ideas up its sleeve. For NES, and playable on original hardware, a brand new game called Flea is on offer. Another exciting and novel idea is the interactive picture book. This is a 3D paper picture book with several pages that each have their own little setting. A tiny projector projects the game onto each page. Very exciting for children is that there is a colouring mode, as well, allowing them to colour in the black and white pages however they wish. 

Image for INSiGHT: Play Expo Glasgow Indie Corner

Is it a game or a piece of art? This title has been developed around a musical album with real-world 3D objects added into the game, think playable music video. The developer and artist, Claire Morwood, has created props with different types of materials, photographed them and added them into the game. Creating a very unique visual style for the game that changes depending on the level's themes.The story unfolds around each music track and is a truly interesting and unique idea!

Image for INSiGHT: Play Expo Glasgow Indie Corner

Village Hero
This is a top-down hack-and-slash RPG with a low-poly asset art style by Noel Studios. Definitely a favourite with the visitors who got to try it, this title's demo is already available to play for free and includes two levels with quests, dialogue, inventory and equipment. The full game is planned for release by the end of 2023.

Image for INSiGHT: Play Expo Glasgow Indie Corner

It was great to talk to different developers from a variety of teams as well as experience some brand-new, unique and exciting titles! Every single game or system on display is made with love and care, that much was very obvious. Here's to some fantastic future titles, amazing sales figures and overall fun times! Good luck to each and every developer!

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