News: Final Character added to Smash Bros Ultimate

By Neil Flynn 05.10.2021 5

News: Final Character added to Smash Bros Ultimate on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Announced the September 2021 Nintendo Direct, Masahiro Sakurai presented a 40 minute Smash Direct announcement to announce the latest fighter who will be joining the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster as the final addition to the Fighters Pass Vol 2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launched in 2018 and has grown to a roster with 88 fighters ranging from Mario and Pikachu to Kazuya Mishima and Terry Bogard. The next fighter will be the 89th, and consequently the last to join the Super Smash Bros Ultimate roster.

The full announcement can be re-watched on YouTube:


Earlier in the week, Cubed3 veteran, Neil Flynn and Source Gaming's Josh Goldie teamed up to try and predict who would join the roster. 


Are you happy with the announcement of Sora from Kingdom Hearts finally making the cut, let us know in the comments section.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Fighters Pass Vol. 2








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( Edited 22.08.2022 14:52 by Guest )


lukezeppo said:
Over the moon, at last!

You Sora that coming, aye Luke!

you could say i'm the King(dom Hearts) of Smash predictions


"Sora... which happens to be the name of my company!"

Smilie Well played.

BUT, come on S-E, why are ALL the KH games Cloud versions?! I get KH3, perhaps - although I honestly think if Doom and Witcher can run, KH3 could be made to work - but there's no way the older games couldn't run natively on Switch. It's just a poor show and totally puts me off.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
"Sora... which happens to be the name of my company!"

Smilie Well played.

BUT, come on S-E, why are ALL the KH games Cloud versions?! I get KH3, perhaps - although I honestly think if Doom and Witcher can run, KH3 could be made to work - but there's no way the older games couldn't run natively on Switch. It's just a poor show and totally puts me off.

We are very sorry but those games you have on the PS2 and PSP just cannot run on the switch so you cant get a lovely physical box that could of been really shiny like they were originally.


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