News: Evercade VS - Coming November 2021

By Neil Flynn 23.04.2021

News: Evercade VS - Coming November 2021 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Expand the possibilities of retro gaming this November as the popular portable Evercade device makes it's way to the home console set up with the Evercade VS. The system has two cartridge slots to expand the number of games on the system and it compatible with existing Evercade catridges. There is built in WiFi, although it remains to be seen if this will be used for anything other than firmware updates.

Play together in multiplayer sessions as the system features four USB slots for either a new ergonomically designed controller to plug into or players can use their existing Evercade unit as a controller. The new controller features dual buttons on the bumper which is more reminicent of modern day retro controller and a textured pattern across the face of the pad. 

The Evercade VS goes for preorder in May 2021.


Do you own an Evercade handheld unit? Excited for the Evercade VS? Let us know in the comments below.

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