News: Turrican Flashback Makes a Comeback!

By Cubed3 Staff 29.01.2021

News: Turrican Flashback Makes a Comeback! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

ININ Games will release on 29th January both the physical boxed and digitally eagerly anticipated and legendary Turrican collection - Turrican Flashback on Nintendo Switch and Sony PlayStation 4.

Developed by legends in the videogame industry and remastered by lifelong fans, Turrican's long awaited return to the market is finally here with a prestigious and carefully selected collection of some of the most amazing titles. The endless exploration and challenge of the classic Turrican 1 & 2 explodes alongside the arcade perfection of Super Turrican and Mega Turrican in Turrican Flashback, bringing you four of action gaming's finest examples of the genre.

Image for News: Turrican Flashback Makes a Comeback!

Released originally on the classic home computer system, Commodore Amiga, followed by sequels on Super Nintendo and Mega Drive, these remasters bring brand new elements to the tried and true formula, offering both old and new fans something unique for this edition. Play-tested and tailored by lifelong Turrican fans from across Europe, the new control scheme makes each Turrican game intuitive and easily accessible for all players as each button and command corresponds to an action, and allows for even more precise shots and jumps than ever before.

Image for News: Turrican Flashback Makes a Comeback!

The all new "Rewind" feature also allows for an optional easier challenge as the pitfalls for older game designs can be overcome by trial and error instantly. For those who wish to come back to the adventure at a later time, the save states are there to let you pick up exactly where you left off.

For those who miss the scanlines and curvatures of retro monitors, Turrican Flashback is not just a travel through time in terms of the games, but even the presentation! Use one of the best CRT shaders in the industry and customise your display to bring the action as close to the way you remember it looking on your nostalgic monitor, or opt for the new dynamic pixel-perfect display, which allows you to minimise the on-screen icons and focus entirely on the gorgeous in-game graphics, which still stand the test of time!

All this and, of course, we cannot forget about the music! Chris Huelsbeck's legendary scores are on full display and the games have been painstakingly programmed to ensure the highest quality playback of the original audio across the various sound chips Mr. Huelsbeck perfected. Enjoy the 7-minute epic that is "The Final Fight" in Turrican 2 in pristine original quality, or thump your feet to the beat of "Air Combat" in Mega Turrican - each and every track across every game is a bona fide classic!


  • Four classic titles:
  • Turrican, Turrican II: The Final Fight, Mega Turrican and Super Turrican in one awesome package!
  • Reworked modern control scheme that streamlines the series and makes them more approachable than ever before;
  • Customise your experience with shaders, wallpapers, and different display options;
  • Gigantic levels, heart-blazing action and huge boss fights. Suit up and prepare for mayhem!
  • Rewind feature and save states allow you to take on the challenge… with some help!
  • Timeless and critically acclaimed soundtrack by composer Chris Huelsbeck!

    If you fancy checking out how you can purchase the physical boxed retail edition, or digital version take a look at the purchasing options available on the ININ Games website. 

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