News: Nintendo Weekly Wrap Up - 20 May 20

By Neil Flynn 20.05.2020

News: Nintendo Weekly Wrap Up - 20 May 20 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion
Cubed3 are doing the weekly Nintendo round-up thanks to the news provided by the amazing experts at GameXplain and Nintendo Life. If you want daily updates then they both post up the latest Nintendo news every day, be sure to swing by to their channels and check out their content they make! In the meantime, be sure to stick with Cubed3 for our weekly round-up which squeezes all that juicy Nintendo news into one article!

42 NEW Paper Mario: The Origami King Screenshots - GameXplain

Check out 42 new screenshots for Paper Mario: The Origami King, showcasing the overworld, battle system, and even more of the story!


RUMOR: Pikmin 3 Deluxe Dropping "Soon" - GameXplain

Is Pikmin 3 the next Wii U game to come to Switch? Jeff Grubb, the reporter of previous rumors including the most recent Nintendo Direct Mini, is claiming the game will be coming to Switch "soon".


4 NEW SNES & NES Games Coming to Switch Online! May Trailer - GameXplain

More games are at last coming to SNES and NES Online! And the SNES games are two that have never released before in the US, Panel de Pon, Wild Guns, Rygar, and Operation Logic Bomb!​


Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics Trailer Shows Off All 51 Games - Nintendo Life

Take a look at the upcoming 51 Worldwide Games coming to Nintendo Switch very soon!

Image for News: Nintendo Weekly Wrap Up - 20 May 20

Huge discounts on a number of Sonic, Bandai Namco games and a huge price cut for NBA 2K20 - Nintendo Life

For all the bargain hunters out there then now is the time to get involved with both SEGA's and Bandai Namco's Nintendo eShop sale where a number of Sonic the Hedgehog games, including Sonic Mania, Sonic Forces and Team Sonic Racing are on sale.

That is not all though, Bandai Namco also have a number of Naruto, Dragonball Z and other titles on a huge sale

Meanwhile, you can also grab NBA 2K20 on sale for just £2.49 on the European Switch eShop.

Image for News: Nintendo Weekly Wrap Up - 20 May 20

Niantic Talks About Playing And Developing Pokémon GO From Home - Nintendo Life

It's been a difficult period for every video game company in recent months to get teams up and running from home. For Niantic, though, it's been even more of a challenge. Not only has it had to make a transition to working from home, but it's also had to rework and update its insanely popular mobile game Pokémon GO so its community could still enjoy it in lockdown. Read more over at Nintendo Life.
Image for News: Nintendo Weekly Wrap Up - 20 May 20

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Gets A Physical Kollection On Switch This June- Nintendo Life

Interested in a physical copy of the Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Kollection and happen to live in the Americas, it'll be available this June for $59.99. Find out more at Nintendo Life.


Story Of Seasons: Friends Of Mineral Town Launches In North America On 14th July - Nintendo Life

Following the news that Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town would be launching in Europe on 10th July for £42.99, XSEED Games has now confirmed it'll be arriving in North America shortly after this date on 14th July. Discover more over at Nintendo Life.


Feature: Perfect Dark Turns 20 - The Definitive Story Behind The N64 Hit That Outclassed James Bond - Nintendo Life

An incredible labour of love from the team at Nintendo Life. James Batchelor has written a huge retrospective on Rare's Perfect Dark as it turns 20. Go and take an in-depth read about the Nintendo 64 classic!
Image for News: Nintendo Weekly Wrap Up - 20 May 20

Nintendo Is Developing New Mobile Games, But Isn't Ready To Announce Anything Just Yet - Nintendo Life

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa has explained how the company is currently focused on the operation of the six existing applications and is "continuing to develop" new applications, but is not yet at a stage where it can announce any new information for any new mobile titles. Take a read at the article over on Nintendo Life for the full story.
Image for News: Nintendo Weekly Wrap Up - 20 May 20


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