Tech Up! Stargate NX Review

By Adam Riley 02.03.2019

Looking for something to help you manage all the games on your Nintendo Switch? Well, for US$24.95 for 90 days access, Stargate's NX proves to be a handy little add-on that works in conjunction with Team Xecuter's SX Pro, which Cubed3 took a look at here, needing SX OS and SX Installer to be installed already. Once done, it gives users an easily manageable window to navigate, where games, updates, and DLC can be acquired with the greatest of ease, with a search engine to find specific titles, using filters for genre, region, and so on, or just have fun browsing yourself.

Anyone that has tinkered with their Switch consoles in the past and found they are banned from accessing the eShop anymore, or even getting the latest firmware, can still get the latest downloads here thanks to the Stealth Mode of the SX. Also very useful is that when choosing something to install, there are options of where to install (internal memory or micro SD), and the choice to include all the latest DLC and updates in the initial install itself, as well as delete the downloaded files once successfully installed, so as to save space for further downloads. Everything is a user-friendly as possible.

Saves can be backed up, full descriptions of games can be seen before deciding to download (although the accompanying game images currently cannot be enlarged, meaning they are too hard to see as they are merely thumbnails), file sizes are shown to compare to the meter at the top showing space remaining, downloads can be left going in the background, and more. It is a very clean and well thought-out menu system to make it almost foolproof.

Currently, the Stargate team is looking into options, like accessing homebrew apps, demos, as well as continuously working on fixing various quirks, such as not working well with the Edizon app, or allowing users to start more downloads than SD or NAND space allows, plus more, with updating to the latest firmware also being high on many users' request lists. Basically, Switch owners are free to make suggestions and the team is willing to see what can and cannot be done in future updates. One such update rolled out recently is to download multiple titles at once, checking out the 'Queue' tab to see progress of what is left to download, keeping an eye on the top bar that shows remaining space internally and on the micro SD, as well as showing current download speed.

Rated 7 out of 10

Very Good - Bronze Award

Rated 7 out of 10
In principle, the Stargate NX is the perfect solution for Nintendo Switch owners that are still having trouble getting their heads around how best to make use of Team Xecuter's SX piece of kit. With various updates still on the way (including support for other Custom Firmware, as eventually came to the team's 3DS card), what has started off as a strong base is only set to get better, with only the regular fee required being a potential stumbling block for some, although even that now allows for 90-days rather than 30-days access.

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