Tech Up! StarGate 3DS Card Review

By Adam Riley 21.01.2018 1

Remember when R4 was a big deal? Nintendo DS was cracked wide open thanks to the ingenuity of hackers around the globe. Then came Gateway for Nintendo 3DS, and now there is StarGate, the latest offering hoping to give 3DS owners something extra for their system. What does it offer, though, and how does it compare to the alternatives that already exist for 3DS?

Image for Tech Up! StarGate 3DS Card Review

StarGate is the latest plug-and-play device that works on all form factors of 3DS and 2DS, allowing for quick and easy switching between games stored on the microSD card that slots in, as well as being able to easily jump from its 3DS to DS functionality. The advantage here is that nothing needs to be copied to the 3DS' internal memory, meaning games on the SD card will launch just like slotting in a retail cart, in the same way old DS options did. All that is needed is to use the included microSD-to-USB adapter, load up the latest StarGate firmware, stick the *.3ds files on there and away you go.

Currently, though, despite its supposed flexibility, it does not work with homebrew, nor does it work with eShop titles, and it does not even work with games of other regions. Therefore, it pales in comparison to other methods of opening the 3DS, straight away. It is dead easy to use, but right now it does not have the same wide range of abilities as something like the CycloDS had back in the Nintendo DS days, severely limiting its appeal. Being able to play the recently fan-translated version of Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love on Nintendo DS is great, but this needs to give access to playing homebrew and other region titles before it becomes worthy of real attention.

Rated 5 out of 10


In its current state, there is really no need for the StarGate 3DS card, as it is extremely restricted in what it can do. With any luck it will be developed further to make it a worthwhile purchase, but for now the custom firmware approach is so simple that even casual gamers - which this is aimed at - cannot mess up the process. Anyone happy enough to play around with just their own region games alone, or use it to access DS content, will be satiated. Everyone else will look elsewhere.

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Lilu (guest) 25.05.2018#1

Now Stargate 3ds is on big sale in the worldwide, for me, I picked one up with just 60 euros.

( Edited 25.05.2018 15:29 by Adam Riley )

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