Bandai Namco Unveils Mario Kart VR

By Adam Riley 14.06.2017

Bandai Namco Unveils Mario Kart VR on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Bandai Namco will open the largest VR entertainment facility in Japan, VR ZONE SHINJUKU, in Shinjuku Kabukicho Tokyo on Friday 14th July. Reservations will be available from Friday 16th June, 12:00PM (JST). Building upon the success of its predecessor VR ZONE Project i Can, VR ZONE SHINJUKU will house over 15 activities including the following new VR activities utilising in-house and licensed IPs, one of which stands out by a mile:
・Dragon Ball VR "Master the Kamehameha"
・Evangelion VR "The Throne of Souls"
・Ghost in the Shell Arise: Stealth Hounds

VR ZONE SHINJUKU will also include a wide range of new non-IP VR activities where guests will be able to experience exploring a fantasy world on a winged bicycle, a horror-filled dinosaur survival run, and much more. Every activity is designed for the guests to lose themselves in the immersive VR experience. Guests will also be able to enjoy a variety of non-VR activities, such as surviving from an expanding giant balloon in a locked cell, purchasing original souvenirs, and enjoy meals and activities in a virtually simulated resort themed dining space, making for a truly well-rounded entertainment experience. In addition, Bandai Namco has teamed up with the popular digital art group, NAKED, to develop projection mapping installations in and out of the facility. The exterior will feature a projection of PAC-MAN among other images, while the inside will feature a 'Centre Tree' posing as the interface of the facility which will allow guests to interact with the building itself through touch.

Mario Kart Arcade GP VR...Will it ever arrive outside of Japan? Just looking at the poster below makes us want to cross our fingers and toes to make it happen...

Image for Bandai Namco Unveils Mario Kart VR
Box art for Mario Kart Arcade GP VR

Bandai Namco


Bandai Namco





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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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