Nintendo Mimics | Paying Homage to Konami?

By Adam Riley 14.09.2004 1

Nintendo Mimics...
...Paying Homage to Konami!

After two successful titles in the Boktai series, Konami and Metal Gear-father's innovative sunlight-driven role-playing game is to have its main idea snatched by none other than Nintendo, the proclaimed 'King of Innovation' if a recent trademark is to be believed.

It would seem that Nintendo, according to the patent, will utilise ultra-violet rays to power a forthcoming gaming product and help in the changing of its environment. In addition to this, typically Nintendo-esque, there will be a warning included to alert gamers if they have been in direct sunshine for too long a period!

Stay tuned to C3 for more on this intriguing snip of information...

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