Japanese Chart Update | Weekly Nintendo Watch

By Adam Riley 29.08.2004 1

Japanese Charts...
...Your weekly update!

Hardware - This Week | Year Total

1.) Game Boy Advance SP - 40,229 | 1,680,401
2.) PlayStation 2 - 32,291 | 1,693,913
3.) GameCube - 8,161 | 454,226
4.) Game Boy Advance - 3,437 | 174,808

5.) Xbox - 366 | 23,878
6.) PSone - 134 | 12,924
7.) Swan Crystal - 102 | 6,586

Software - This Week | Total for 2004

1.) Suikoden IV (incl. Limited Edition, Konami, PS2) - 185,962 | NEW
2.) World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 (PS2, Konami) - 86,107 | 936,568
3.) Summon Night: Craft Sword Story 2 (GBA, Banpresto) - 52,053 | NEW
4.) Paper Mario RPG (GC, Nintendo) - 24,734 | 322,115
5.) Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. 2 (GBA, Nintendo) - 23,256 | 122,382
6.) Densetsu no Stafy 3 (GBA, Nintendo) - 23,169 | 109,410
7.) Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 11 (GC, Konami) - 19,522 | Unknown At Present

8.) Gunslinger Girl Vol.3 Marvelous Entertainment 16,972 16,972
9.) PS2 Pachinko Slot! Fist of the North Star (incl. Limited Edition, PS2, Sammy) - 15,728 | Unknown At Present
10.) GBA Final Fantasy I + II Advance Square Enix 15,020 | 232,436

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