Media | Nintendo on the Big Screen

By James Temperton 20.08.2004 1

New Cinema Spot to Promote Winter Titles
NoA to bombard screens with promotional goodness...

Over in the US of Merry Old A, Nintendo are running a new 'Cinema Spot' promoting some of their hot up-and-coming titles for the GameCube. It's about a minute long and around about 4MB to download. As well as running on the big screen (before films like Alien vs. Predator) it will also be on some TV channels Stateside.

The three featured titles are Baten Kaitos, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent. The advert is presented with the same 'Who Are You' slogan that has been a major part of Nintendo's adverts in the USA over the last couple of years. The whole thing is very nicely put together and should get lots of people interested in Nintendo this Christmas (that's the idea anyway).

To view the advert for yourself, click here.

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