New Slimline PS4 Revealed and PS4 Pro Specs, Release Date and Price Announced

By Jamie Mercer 07.09.2016 8

New Slimline PS4 Revealed and PS4 Pro Specs, Release Date and Price Announced on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sony today unveiled its latest addition to the PlayStation family, the PS4 Pro.

Launching on November 10 and costing $399/£349, the PS4 Pro features a 1TB hard drive, double GPU power, and technology adopted from AMD graphical architecture which allows allows the PS4 Pro to reach HDR and 4K resolution. The clock speed has been boosted too, however the console will not ship with a 4K Blu Ray player.

Sony showed off the power of the upgraded console by demoing titles such as Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Ubisoft's For Honor on a 4K display. PlayStation 4 lead architect Mark Cerny described the new resolution capabilities of the PS4 Pro as "transformative", while acknowledging HDR as being able to deliver "a level of photorealism that you've never experienced in a game".

Image for New Slimline PS4 Revealed and PS4 Pro Specs, Release Date and Price Announced

Current PS4 owners need not be cursing under their collective breath, as HDR capability will be rolled out across all of the current models through a system update next week.

The PS4 and PS4 Pro will both use the exact same physical and digital media, though they will play in different ways.

Image for New Slimline PS4 Revealed and PS4 Pro Specs, Release Date and Price Announced

Full PS4 Pro specs:

  • Main processor: Custom-chip single Processor
  • CPU: x86-64 AMD "Jaguar," 8 cores
  • GPU: 4.20 TFLOPS, AMD Radeon™ based graphics engine
  • Memory: GDDR5 8GB
  • Storage size: 1TB
  • External dimensions: Approx. 295×55×327 mm (width × height × length) (excludes largest projection)
  • Mass: Approx. 3.3 kg
  • BD/DVD Drive: BD × 6 CAV, DVD × 8 CAV
  • Input/Output: Super-Speed USB (USB 3.1 Gen.1) port × 3, AUX port × 1
  • Networking: Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)×1, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth® 4.0 (LE)
  • Power: AC 100V, 50/60Hz
  • Power consumption: Max. 310W
  • Operating temp: 5ºC - 35ºC
  • AV Output: HDMI out port (supports 4K/HDR) DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) port
A new PS4, then codenamed Neo, was announced just days before E3 2016 but, while confirming its existence, Sony were tightlipped on details other than confirming it would be more powerful.

Also announced at the PlayStation Meeting 2016 event was the new PS4 Slim, which will replace the current standard hardware which in turn is being phased out. The PS4 Slim will release on September 15 and will cost $299/£259.

Image for New Slimline PS4 Revealed and PS4 Pro Specs, Release Date and Price Announced

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Not having a 4K blu-ray player seems like a really weird decision.

Particularly since the Xbox One S has one (and presumably the Scorpio will too)

Also, did anyone find the event to be weirdly quiet?

( Edited 07.09.2016 22:50 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
Not having a 4K blu-ray player seems like a really weird decision.

Particularly since the Xbox One S has one (and presumably the Scorpio will too)

I guess it is, although doesn't bother me personally.

Also, did anyone find the event to be weirdly quiet?

You mean like in terms of crowd applause? There was little worth applauding. It was an unexciting event. Slim had leaked, we knew Neo was being shown, games were things we'd seen before, it was just higher res/clearer graphics, etc. I never went into this thing hyped or anything. I didn't even switch it on until sometime into the event. Even Mass Effect, one of my fave series, didn't excite me at all. Difficult to get excited about a bit of walking and an explosion or two.

I'm just trying to decide if it's worth me upgrading to a 4K TV yet. If I'm not getting a Pro then I doubt I really need one, but it's made me think about if it's time for me to splash out again on a new one. I got my first HDTV when I got my PS3 nearly 7 years ago, but not sure if I defo need a 4K one yet. I am pretty comfortable with my standard PS4 and HD TV atm tbh.

( Edited 08.09.2016 00:14 by Azuardo )

I'd say HDR is more of a bigger deal than 4K. The higher resolution would be good when you're sitting close to a monitor or TV, but sitting back away you can't tell much difference between 1080p, if any. Most people play consoles on a couch quite far from the TV. HDR however, is something you'll actually notice more, if you have the equipment to take advantage of it. Improved frame-rates are also great if you're playing Pro on a 1080p TV.

The event was quiet probably because it was just a business meeting. It was more of a formal event that Sony decided to stream so everyone could watch. They probably shouldn't have bothered though, probably would have been better to have just made a trailer or a Nintendo Direct type thing for it and kept the meeting a private event.

Anyway, once I finally do decide to get a PS4, I'll probably just go for a Slim, to be honest. I have a good PC to play 3rd party stuff and I only want a PS4 for the exclusives. No point in me getting a Pro. Plus the power consumption of the Pro is bleh.

( Edited 08.09.2016 09:36 by Marzy )

Yeah, I'm hearing if devs do put the extra effort in, Pro will be of benefit to 1080p TV owners, with some saying perhaps even more notably so than if you owned a 4KTV. But it depends on what devs do to take advantage of it. It sounds like Rise of the Tomb Raider will come with good benefits to 1080p users in terms of frame rate, but they still needed to put that extra effort into it. Good to see.

But I'm not sold on the Pro, and I don't think many people are tbh. Another mate of mine who is yet to buy a PS4 says he'd rather just get the Slim. With HDR coming as a firmware update for all existing PS4 users, it's even less of a reason to go Pro.

I think it's safe to say Xbox Scorpio will trounce PS4 Pro in terms of specs. Even the Pro's 1TB HDD isn't that good. Expected at least 2TB. Guess it'd be close to £400 or so then, tho.

Unlike the American reveal, the Asian reveal of the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro was apparently not lacking in energy and grandeur.

lol State.

Lol! That's pretty funny. Definitely looks more extravagant than the meeting in the US. 

lol "It's a machine that's a bit better than our old machine! Get the party poppers out!"

I hope Nintendo sticks with a Direct for the NX reveal. Will be able to present it in a good way with proper close-ups of the machine and stuff.

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