GameStop CEO Confirms NX Will Use Physical Media

By Sonic_13 20.06.2016 1

GameStop CEO Confirms NX Will Use Physical Media on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In their recent Q1 2016 earnings call with investors, GameStop CEO Paul Raines confirmed that Nintendo's upcoming NX console will use physical media, putting down one rumor that the console was going to be digital-only.

"It will have physical media, we will play a role in it, our pre-owned business will also play a role. So we're excited about that."

In regards to a related rumor that the NX will be returning to cartridges over discs, the GameStop executives had no knowledge of whether that would be the case. Discussing the differences between discs and cartridges, they noted that it would make little difference to them in regards to new game sales, but added that "cartridges are much simpler to refurbish and repackage. So there is somewhat a little bit of an advantage if it went in that direction on used."

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They wouldn't know about the type of physical media used. All the need to know is the shelf space they take, and cartridges these days are not the bulky things they used to be until 15 years ago. At any rate, it's good that they can confirm that physical media won't be abandoned.

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