Mansion Spooks Await in Resident Evil 7

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.06.2016 4

Mansion Spooks Await in Resident Evil 7 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wander into a derelict mansion, trying to explore and survive the horrors that await inside...

Capcom lifted the lid on the next main-line installment of the long-running survival horror series at E3 this week, Resident Evil 7, the "harrowing homecoming you've been waiting for" as you explore a disused plantation mansion deep within rural America in the modern day. There's something that's just unsettling about a house littered with cobwebs and plunged in darkness, an trope that the series has captured to critical acclaim for two decades now.

Resident Evil 7 will slither onto PS4 (with VR mode), Xbox One and PC on 24th January 2017.


Want to get a little taster? A teaser is available for PlayStation Plus subscribers to serve up a little snippet of the terrifying experience in a demo for PlayStation 4.

Image for Mansion Spooks Await in Resident Evil 7
Image for Mansion Spooks Await in Resident Evil 7
Image for Mansion Spooks Await in Resident Evil 7
Image for Mansion Spooks Await in Resident Evil 7
Image for Mansion Spooks Await in Resident Evil 7

Are you a fan of the series? Does Resident Evil 7 scratch that survival horror itch?

Box art for Resident Evil 7: Biohazard








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Would love to play this on NX!

Our member of the week

Soooo is this going to be all set in first person now? Also, I don't find it very impressive so far. What we see is very photorealistic for sure but... it's rather barren. I can't explain it well. I'm not impressed by how this looks. RE1 on Gamecube (or its HD remake for that matter) is chocked full of tiny details all over the place and one would imagine that in this day and age, current gen consoles should be able to replicate that in real-time 3D.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yup, will be first person. This area in the demo won't be part of the game tho, nor will the character be the lead. It's just a teaser. I'm gonna give it a go myself, see how it is.

Honestly, I found the demo to be underwhelming. What's there is good, but you can beat it in about fifteen minutes, and ten of that is due to your walking speed and having to wait for certain scripted animations.

But there is promise there. The scares are genuine and work well. It'll be interesting to see what they do for a full game.

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