Two New Xbox Models Could Be Due for Release in Next Two Years

By Jamie Mercer 25.05.2016 6

Two New Xbox Models Could Be Due for Release in Next Two Years on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumours are spreading that Microsoft are preparing two new Xbox One models which will be released over the next two years.

One model is suggested to be a smaller and cheaper version while the other, it is said, promises to be an even more powerful version of the Xbox One.

The more powerful Xbox One - codenamed Scorpio - is expected to be released in 2017 but the more budget-friendly model could be announced at this year's E3.

The releases would not be unexpected as Microsoft's own Project Helix aims to bridge the gap between Xbox and Windows gamers and converge the two systems.

There have also been whisperings of Microsoft and Sony moving towards a more 'iterative' approach for their hardware, meaning newer more powerful versions will be released every year or so - similar to the model Apple have used to great success. Sony is already preparing to release a more powerful PS4 model capable of supporting 4K resolution.

How would you feel if consoles were released almost yearly, similar to Apple devices?

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Not sure how to feel about console updates like these. It's never really been done before, to my knowledge. There was the add-ons like 32x and SEGA CD though and those didn't do so well.

May as well just get a PC instead and update that every few years.

Anyway, no idea what to say about it. I mean, it's up to them as a business, but I don't really know if it'd work out well in the long run if it was a yearly thing. I think one update halfway through the gen is fine though.

Our member of the week

So long as backwards compatibility isn't lost in the process I guess it's not altogether wrong. Especially if going forward, games developed for this generation remain de-facto compatible with the next due to them perhaps always sticking to x86 the way that PC gaming has stuck to it for decades now, and the new OSes being sort of backward compatible or at least being made to be through some perhaps light emulation layer underneath, something like that. It would be great for sure if that was the case, going forward. PS4K is said to only provide substantial improvements to the visuals of games going forward but no exclusive games being made for them as new ones being developed should always remain compatible with the base model. I guess I've got nothing against it so long as it remains that way and not clearly cut generations of hardware every two years as that would be insane.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It'd be very strange if new consoles were released yearly or every two years or so. Would you seriously have to buy an entire console if you just want to upgrade from your last one? Like pay 300 dollars every two years? Come on, that's insane.

They should just make consoles moddable like PCs then. If they've released a new console, you should just be able to buy only the new graphics card, or new harddrive, for instance, and put it into your old console. Done. No insane expenses, and no feeling of guilt for not waiting a while for the next console.

Our member of the week

Leo Epema said:
It'd be very strange if new consoles were released yearly or every two years or so. Would you seriously have to buy an entire console if you just want to upgrade from your last one? Like pay 300 dollars every two years? Come on, that's insane.

They should just make consoles moddable like PCs then. If they've released a new console, you should just be able to buy only the new graphics card, or new harddrive, for instance, and put it into your old console. Done. No insane expenses, and no feeling of guilt for not waiting a while for the next console.

The Motherboard is also an important factor. Not quite as important, but in the long runit becomes a bottleneck for computing power. So is the CPU. Those are not things the average consumer is going to be able to replace fairly easily, even if they rethought the process to make it more consumer friendly. That's what PCs are for already, the world does not need consoles to go that way, or consoles wouldn't have any reason to exist anymore, whatsoever. The reason they exist is so that there's an affordable and easy to use access to gaming for people who dont like to tinker with PCs and multiple configurations.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Well, motherboards are fairly easily replaced in PCs just like most other parts. I'm just saying that releasing new versions of consoles every year or so is insane. The reason consoles exist is also to give people a system they can work with for at least a few years without having to replace it constantly.

I don't think making consoles moddable would go against the point of consoles. The reason consoles exist is mainly for budget reasons. Sure, they also exist so you can get the full package in one go... but that doesn't mean modding consoles has to be a difficult affair. As long as they use parts that work together well and are suitable to replace old parts with, there should be no problem. And it's certainly preferable to needing to buy a new console every year. Imagine if people with PCs needed to buy a new PC each year - i.e. pay for parts they don't need! It's no different with consoles: you're paying for things you don't need because you already had them (a perfectly fine processor, motherboard, etc).

So unless you've got a better idea, I say either make consoles moddable or do away with them completely. But don't make people buy a new one for like 300 euros (if not more) each year.

( Edited 28.05.2016 12:48 by Leo Epema )

Ugh… this is depressing news in my book. I suppose it's difficult to complain specifically about Microsoft since Sony has an upgrade on the way too. Part of Microsoft's decision was probably based on the fear of falling further away from the PS4. But I don't understand this 'reboot' neither from Sony or Microsoft's perspective.
If Microsoft want to attract gamers back to their system, perhaps they might consider actually improving the game line-up. Every six months or so I take a look at the exclusives on offer, open to taking the plunge. But there's hardly anything out there, after years.
I think they'll both end up with a muddled stance on the older consoles. It could all be quite pivotal since excluding handhelds gamers haven't ever had this sort of iterative approach before. The way I see it, console gamers may prefer the simplicity and ease of access of their systems, but they're not so resistant to a PC setup anymore. I worry about an iterative console approach, even if both companies moved into a subscription, or contract-based system for selling.  It's too much ground moving all at once.
Perhaps the NX will do things differently, and provide food for thought for Sony and MS. 

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

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