OlliOlli2 and NOT A HERO Head to Xbox One

By Adam Riley 05.05.2016

OlliOlli2 and NOT A HERO Head to Xbox One on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Award-winning international games label Team17 and BAFTA award-winning independent studio Roll7 have announced that the definitive versions of OlliOlli2 and NOT A HERO will be releasing on Xbox One on the 24th May.

Drop in to Olliwood in OlliOlli2: XL Edition and prepare for finger-flippin' mayhem in this incredible sequel to the cult smash hit OlliOlli. Featuring 5 worlds, 50 Amateur and Pro Levels and an additional 250 challenges, as well as the local multiplayer split screen mode, Combo Rush. Plus in the definitive XL Edition, gamers will be able to play the all new and most requested fan feature: FreeSkate mode. Try new moves, practice manuals and skate to your hearts content across five unique levels.

If anthropomorphic rabbits and a dynamic mix of run-and-gun gameplay and cover-based shoot-outs are more to your liking, then NOT A HERO: SUPER SNAZZY EDITION is just for you.  Especially as this definitive version of the game Cubed3 scored 7/10 on PS4 allows you to play as the purple mayoral candidate, BunnyLord, for the first time ever in 3 brand new exclusive levels.

OlliOlli2: XL Edition will be available to download for Xbox One from the Xbox Store on the 24=10.8333pxth May for £9.99 / $14.99 / 12,99 € while NOT A HERO: SUPER SNAZZY EDITION will be available for £9.99 / $12.99 / 12,99 €.

Those wanting to add both the definitive editions to their Xbox One library will be able to take advantage of the BunnyLord Pro Hater Pack featuring both games, which will be available for just £14.99 / $20.99 / 19,49 €.

Box art for Not a Hero



Devolver Digital


2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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