Mirror's Edge Catalyst Gets Delayed Further

By Jamie Mercer 21.04.2016 5


EA has announced that the hotly anticipated follow up to Mirror's Edge will be delayed until June 7 in North America and June 9 in Europe.

With the Closed Beta imminent, design director Erik Odeldahl released a statement confirming the decision to push the release date back two weeks from May 24.

This is the second time that Mirror's Edge Catalyst has faced delays having previously been expected to be released in February 2016. 

Box art for Mirror's Edge Catalyst





Action Adventure



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Really looking forward to this one.

Guest 25.04.2016#2

Still confused why this got a sequel and great games like enslaved, shadows of the damned, beyond good and evil, and the world ends with you didn't.

This is a great game, or at least very under-rated gem, as well.

But my main concern is that this is EA making the game. Firstly I'm 100% positive that they'll microtransaction it out the *** and probably force people to play a multiplayer map thirty-seven times to unlock the 'true' ending of the single-player campaign while also locking at least two key story missions behind DLC walls. Secondly that they'll force SJW-ism down the games throat. Regardless of your feelings on the matter a large part of why Mirror's Edge worked was because it was kind of like a modern Sonic that didn't suck (Sega should pay attention). Would having Tails stop you at the end of the level to tell you about the wrongs of society really have made it better, or do you just really want to keep running?

This is a great game, or at least very under-rated gem, as well.

Exactly. There are so many great games deserving of sequels, but it's not like this one came easily enough, either. It's taken a long time to get this game off the ground, and even then, it's a reboot, not a sequel.

As for the rest, yes, any game with EA behind the name I have serious worries about. The same for me will be Mass Effect Andromeda. It got absolutely terrible with ME3, with the amount of story DLC there was, how the DLC remained full price for what felt like the best part of two years, how they made it so difficult to own the trilogy on PC, how they launched ME3 on Wii U without all DLC and the previous games, how they never made a complete trilogy edition with all DLC (or a remaster, which is more of a peeve of my own because I really want the complete package on my PS4). I think it's clear EA's influence contributes to the ruination of so many games, and while they might say they give the developers their freedom, story DLC in itself is enough to make me fume, especially when it came to locking out some seriously important plot scenarios in ME3 behind a paywall.

So, yes, I, too, am concerned ME Catalyst could be let down by some EA shit practices, but I hope the bulk of it remains so good that we can try to overlook any crap.

I really wouldn't get your hopes up for Andromeda. Most of the Bioware writing team left before ME3 had even come out and now they basically have a blank slate to do what they wanted. We'll probably be lucky to just see a cashgrab of a game akin to the yearly Assassin's Creed games.

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