Nintendo has announced new information about its Club Nintendo replacement, My Nintendo, which launched in Japan on Thursday, 17th March.
My Nintendo launches along the Nintendo mobile app, Miitomo, which is Nintendo's take on social networking and gaming. As of mid-Feburary, it is possible to pre-register for Miitomo, but the My Nintendo account is even easier to set up. As long as people have an account with Nintendo, they will be joined immediately to the My Nintendo service.
Some of the interesting features the service brings include a points system that allows the purchase of digital items, coupons, and full games through the use of their points. They earn these points by completing "Missions," which range from spending a certain amount of money on the eShop to performing actions in Miitomo. These points can be gained from many Nintendo services, including Nintendo smartphone games.
The service also offers recommendations, the ability to purchase products online and automatically download them to Nintendo devices, and the chance to get exclusive digital content. The service is currently only available in Japan, and no information has come out regarding a full worldwide launch.