Star Fox Zero Comes with Star Fox Guard

By Az Elias 04.03.2016 4

Star Fox Zero Comes with Star Fox Guard on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shigeru Miyamoto's Project Guard has become Star Fox Guard and will be launching together with Star Fox Zero in a special bundle on 22nd April in North America and Europe.

Also available digitally on the eShop, Star Fox Guard is a tower defense-like game, where players must place 12 cameras to spot and destroy enemies attacking Grippy's (the uncle of Slippy) mining site. Users can also build their own levels to upload online, on top of playing the levels already in the game, of which there are around 100.

The physical disc of Star Fox Guard can only be obtained by purchasing the special bundle pack, which includes Star Fox Zero, or can be bought digitally for $14.99. Users that buy either game online will get a $4.99 discount towards the other title.

A new trailer for Star Fox Zero showecases the multiple branching pathways of the game's campaign, a two-player co-op mode, plus amiibo functionality, which unlocks the use of the Arwing from the Super NES title Star Fox / Starwing.

Shigeru Miyamoto also spoke about more details from the game.



Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Glad to see Project Guard get released.

Seemed like a fun little game to play (especially if there is a group) during the Treehouse Live @ E3 broadcast.

The ability to customize and share your own levels is a nice surprise.

Really looking forward to Star Fox's release!

( Edited 04.03.2016 01:11 by Sonic_13 )

Guest 04.03.2016#2

I'm so hyped for star fox. Can't wait to play co-op with the wife. I'm wondering if the amiibo unlocks starwing music on every level. If it does, thats the best amiibo support ever.

ShLot (guest) 05.03.2016#3

It now seems obvious this game was designed for casual gamers initially, after watching that presentation. Pick up and play, and significantly lighter in content, and poor textures and controls?, until journalists, not official playtesters, gave their negative feedback... The game looks so slow and entirely nostalgia driven, stuck in a tired past, with nonsense controls clearly intended for younger players. Really not keen on the graphics also. I've seen a 10 year old fan game that looks better.

 Miyamoto: "I haven't made an action game in many years", that made me chuckle. It shows!. It's a big shame Nintendo gave this title a lowly budget and seem to have prevented Platinum Games from being far more adventurous in design, like they've been with TMNT. Now there's an examples of how things should be done.

Guest 06.03.2016#4

I think this game is the opposite of casualified. I've beaten sin and punishment without dying on normal. Starfox Zero felt just as challenging as that when I played it at EGX and I'm sure that was the easy/normal mode. Can't wait to play it again. This felt a lot more like a hardcore onrails shooter and less of an adventure game with onrails mini games.

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