Marzy said:
RudyC3 said:
Marzy said:
Would love these if they had done a few tweaks to them. For example, being able to save anytime (rather than having to get to a Funky's) in the DKC games would win me over and I'd buy all three.
That's what save states are for mate
Have they got save states? I was sort of meaning being able to save it after each level or something. Save states is probably a better alternative though, especially for the harder levels DKC2 gets way too hard).
They do just like on Wii U, or with other 3DS VC games. You can bet that they're not gonna reprogram a particular save feature in every game they re-release when you can simply develop your emulator to include a save and restore function like they did, which saves tremendous amount of work hours and money to do... especially since reprogramming an old ROM supposes that your workforce knows how to program for the original hardware, which in the case of SNES might not be easy to come by at Nintendo HQ these days.
EDIT: The save and restore feature is in the video in the article Marzipan
. Look at 1:04.
( Edited 15.03.2016 16:43 by RudyC3 )