Nintendo Elation | EA to Purchase Another British Developer?

By Adam Riley 03.08.2004 1

EA to Buy Out Eidos?
Third Party Hungry for More!

After the recent acquisition of British development house Criterion Software and the publishing deal with Free Radical Design for the release of TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect, mega-Third Party company Electronic Arts appears to be on the prowl once more, if speculation from Computer & Video Games UK is to be believed.

According to the UK website, EA is on the verge of making the troubled British arm of Eidos Interactive its own. If proved to be true, then this would give EA a wealth of potentially massive franchises, including the likes of Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Thief and Legacy of Kain, amongst others. Also, this could definitely be something that GameCube owners and Nintendo fans in general will be overjoyed about since Eidos is one of those companies that shuns Nintendo systems, bringing only two handheld Lara Croft games and nothing of worth on the GameCube. With EA and Nintendo being rather friendly as of this time, then there is every chance, just like with Criterion's Burnout 3, that we could be seeing some extra quality heading our way in the near future!

Keep it locked to C3 for more news on this interesting possibility...

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