Celebrate 20 Years of Pokémon on Saturday

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.02.2016

Celebrate 20 Years of Pokémon on Saturday on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Celebrate 20 years of Pokémon at the Nintendo New York this weekend!

It's been two decades since an aspiring trainer left home to discover and capture Pokémon and battle his way up the league. Nintendo will be celebrating with all sorts of events this year, but on the day itself - February 27th - there'll be a  special event the Nintendo New York store with events for all ages.

Stores will also be getting in on the action with special TCG cards at Toys 'R' Us, together with an activity book and poster. GameStop will offer a mythical poster with the purchase of any Pokémon product, plus a cute mew plush available to grab whilst stocks last.

Fancy staying in? There'll also be a massive event streaming on the Pokémon Twitch channel this weekend, from 10am EST/7am PST/3pm GMT.

Finally, a new free app has launched that allows you to take cheeky selfie snaps and add Pokémon stickers! 

How will you celebrate twenty years of Pokémon?

Box art for Pokémon Red and Blue

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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