Yo-Kai Watch Bringing Spooks to Europe in April

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.02.2016 1

Yo-Kai Watch Bringing Spooks to Europe in April on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want to join in the Yo-Kai Watch action? The series is launching in Europe this April.

The immensely popular franchise has already taken Japan and North America by storm and it's now down to Europe to enter the cute and quirky world of the Yo-Kai.

It all takes place within the town of Springdale, a place that's been plagued by all sorts of unexplained, everyday problems. It's not down to fate or accidents, as the force behind these mishaps are ghost-like creatures called Yo-Kai. It's down to you to wear a mysterious watch to see these mischievous creatures and protect Springdale from danger.

The first game will be launching on 29th April in Europe, on Nintendo 3DS. For more on the game, be sure to read our Yo-Kai Watch review.

Are you looking forward to joining the hunt for Yo-Kai?

Box art for Yo-kai Watch





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Glad it's finally got a release date! Pretty excited for this!

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