UEFA Euro 2016 Coming to PlayStation in April

By Lex Firth 23.02.2016

UEFA Euro 2016 Coming to PlayStation in April on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami have announced its official game for the upcoming 2016 UEFA European Championship, to be released on PS3 and PS4 this April.

The game will be available digitally worldwide and will have a special physical edition in Europe; both editions will feature both the UEFA Euro 2016 content and existing content from Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 in one.

Non-PlayStation users need not miss out: those who already own Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 on any of its existing platforms - including PS3 and PS4 - will receive all of the new UEFA Euro 2016 content via a free patch.

UEFA Euro 2016 will feature all of the iconography and presentation elements from this year's tournament in France following Konami's 2015 announcement that they had acquired the license for the cup. 15 of the tournament's 24 playing teams will be present, including England, Wales, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Iceland, Turkey, Albania, Northern Ireland and France, all with their current strips recreated.

Konami also promises a number of promotions to tie in with the release of the expansion, including online competitions and a number of rewards within PES 2016's myClub feature, with special rewards going to those who purchase the physical copy of the game.

UEFA Euro 2016 releases as a standalone on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 in April.

Box art for Pro Evolution Soccer 2016








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