Take on the Call of Duty World League

By Adam Riley 17.02.2016

Take on the Call of Duty World League on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whether it's at home with your friends, online with players around the world, or centre stage at the Call of Duty Championship, competition is part of Call of Duty's DNA. This year with the start of the Call of Duty World League, Activision sets out to take Call of Duty eSports to the next level with a year-round competition, world-class online broadcasts, and a massive US$3 million prize pool. However, knowing that the Call of Duty World League needed to be about more than just the pros, Activision has made sure that it gives fans and amateur players around the world a chance to compete at the highest level, which is why it has announced the first series of events in the Call of Duty World League Challenge Division.

The Challenge Division will offer amateur players outside of the Pro Division a path to the Call of Duty Championship. At the end of the season, based on performance through the year, 80 teams worldwide will be invited to the Championship Qualifiers. In addition to the Call of Duty Championship Qualifiers, top performing teams in Challenge Division events in February and March can make it to the Stage 1 Relegation tournament, where they can take on Pro Division teams and earn their place in the CWL Pro Division and maybe their own guaranteed spot in the Call of Duty Championships.

Image for Take on the Call of Duty World League

With so much at stake, now is the time to sign-up for the first three European online events, each with $5,000 prize pools. All teams are welcome to compete, with players competing for World League points and their shot at the Call of Duty Championship:

In addition to the online tournaments, Europe will host its first live event 'EGL Open' at the Truman Brewery in London on the 5th and 6th March, with US$25,000 in prize money and World League points up for grabs for competing teams.

For the latest information on the Call of Duty World league, be sure to follow @CODWorldLeague or visit the official website.

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