From Cube-EuropeWe just got off the phone with Nintendo of Europe and we are pleased to be able to report that they have confirmed there is indeed a Metal Gear Solid in development for the Nintendo GameCube.
The Nintendo spokesperson we talked to said: "I can confirm that Nintendo is working with Konami on Metal Gear Solid for the GameCube."
The fact that Nintendo is working together with Konami on this new Metal Gear Solid game could mean that the game is exclusive for the Nitendo GameCube. It could also confirm that yesterday's rumours are true - that there will be a GC-GBA connectivity feature.
Unfortunately our contact could not tell us any specific details on the title. We will keep you updated!
This interesting development means that the genre will final hit the Gamecube, and, hopefully more developers will see sense and develop more mature titles for the GCN in the coming months.
[ Source: Gamecube-Europe. ]