Street Fighter V's Theme Song and TV Ad

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.02.2016 2

Street Fighter V

With Street Fighter V out in a week, bring on the knockouts with a new TV ad and theme song.

Capcom are unleashing Ryu, Chun-Li, Ken and the usual series cast in full force, with the latest numbered installment of the long-running fighting series dishing out kicks, punches and fireballs from 16th February.

The game will be available at launch for both PS4 and PC, coming with 16 characters initially with a heap more planned for PLC.


In addition to the action-packed TV commercial, there's also been a Japanese segment aired that highlights a song called "Survivor", the main theme for Street Fighter V.


Will you join the fighting action this month?

Box art for Street Fighter V








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Guest 11.02.2016#1

Wow 16 characters! Waiting for the inevitable super mega ultra combo breaker edition.

I can't say I'm impressed with the new character designs, as they just look too mundane to me. Necalli fits a theme and looks cool, so he suits Street Fighter really well, but what the hell is Laura? Just some childish-looking girl/woman with silly bracelets and cornrows on one side of her head. Rashid is just about the most predictable character ever, the way he's dressed is basically the same as how many real middle-eastern people dress. The SF characters were always quirky in some way and fit a certain theme or stereotype, but these characters have little to nothing going for them.

The attacks look a bit dull too compared to previous SF games, especially when compared to SF EX and Alpha. And the amount of characters... geez. They didn't even add Sagat, Akuma, Blanka, Balrog... come on. I'll wait until they update everything.

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