Movie Feature | BAFTA 2016 Predictions (Lights, Camera, Action!)

By Freda Cooper 08.02.2016

Image for Movie Feature | BAFTA 2016 Predictions (Lights, Camera, Action!)
This hasn't been an easy awards season. Before the controversy surrounding the Oscar nominations, BAFTA showed it could create a kerfuffle all on its own, simply by omitting certain names. The most notable, and the one that caused the most astonishment, was Charlotte Rampling, thought by many to be a shoo-in for a Leading Actress nod, if not the trophy itself, for her performance in 45 Years. She was nowhere to be seen, nor was Tom McCarthy, Director of Spotlight, even though his film is in the running for Best Picture. Go figure! With this year's BAFTAs being handed out on Valentine's Day, though, the Academy is be hoping that its big night will be feeling the love.

Here's how the Lights, Camera, Action! crystal ball sees the evening panning out…

Best Film

With fortunes fluctuating between Spotlight, The Revenant, and, more recently, The Big Short, this category is more open than in previous years.

Should win: Spotlight - an exemplary piece of filmmaking - tackles its difficult subject with dignity and maturity, and is a winner in anybody's book, but what about BAFTA's?

Will win: The Revenant. This has one big advantage over Spotlight. With its marauding bear, buffalo liver eating leading man, and spectacular scenery, it's the sort of film that attracts the limelight, and awards.

Image for Movie Feature | BAFTA 2016 Predictions (Lights, Camera, Action!)

Best Director

The line-up in this category is almost the same as for Best Film, but with one exception: out goes Tom McCarthy for Spotlight, and in comes home-grown Ridley Scott for The Martian, but will it make much difference to the outcome?

Should win: Todd Haynes is getting plenty of nominations for his labour of love, Carol, but precious few wins. This is his big chance to buck that trend for what is generally considered to be a career best film.

Will win: Alejandro Innaritu for The Revenant. After losing out in last year's Birdman vs. Boyhood contest, it's his turn, and his recent win at the Director's Guild makes it almost a done deal.

Leading Actor

This year's category is turning into a one actor race, and it's unlikely that Sunday night will see anything different.

Should win: Leonardo Di Caprio, The Revenant. The question has always been, "Is he good enough?" and the answer is a resounding "Yes!" The other nominees all give great performances, but Di Caprio's role is the one that genuinely challenges and stretches the actor, and he doesn't disappoint.

Will win: Di Caprio - a dead cert.

Image for Movie Feature | BAFTA 2016 Predictions (Lights, Camera, Action!)

Leading Actress

She may have been left off the shortlist, but Charlotte Rampling has still managed to influence the likely outcome in this category. In her absence, it will follow the form book to the letter.

Should win: Brie Larson for Room. A favourite with the critics, Lenny Abrahamson's claustrophobic drama has only received two BAFTA nods, and Larson is the most likely to win. It's a superb piece of acting and has turned her into a star overnight.

Will win: While Maggie Smith won the Evening Standard award last Sunday for The Lady in the Van, she's unlikely to get more than a big round of applause… Larson it is.

Supporting Actor

This is the toughest category of the lot, with hardly any daylight between the five nominees. Each one would make a worthy winner and, with no Stallone on the shortlist, the door is wide open.

Should win: Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies. He's the glue that holds the film together, and a BAFTA would finish off a remarkable year for him in fitting style.

Will win: While Rylance would be a popular choice, the award will go to Idris Elba for Beasts of No Nation. He won a Screen Actors' Guild award at the end of last month, and an Evening Standard award at the weekend, so the momentum is with him, and, as the American Academy overlooked him, the BAFTA has to go to Hackney's finest.

Image for Movie Feature | BAFTA 2016 Predictions (Lights, Camera, Action!)

Supporting Actress

By contrast, the Supporting Actress category is a run-off between just two actresses. The other three contenders are, unfortunately, also-rans.

Should win: Rooney Mara, Carol. Okay, she's just as much a lead in the film as Cate Blanchett, but splitting the Leading Actress vote wouldn't have made any sense. She's currently the bookies' favourite for a beautifully subtle piece of acting… but a BAFTA favourite?

Will win: Kate Winslet in Steve Jobs, on the other hand, is an Academy favourite on both sides of the pond. This is her best work in years and, with a Golden Globe already under her belt, she will be adding to her trophy collection.

Well, it looks like a big night for The Revenant, but a disappointing one for Spotlight, Carol, and The Martian. Assuming, of course, that the crystal ball has worked its magic…

The BAFTA film awards are presented on BBC One this coming Sunday, 14th February, so check back afterwards for the Cubed3 round-up of the winners, losers, and inevitable surprises. Before then, though, the full list of nominations can be found at the official website.

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