Create Assassins on Your Mobile with Assassin's Creed Identity

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.02.2016

Create Assassins on Your Mobile with Assassin

Ever wanted to create an Assassin? A new Assassin's Creed RPG is sneaking up onto Apple iOS this month.

Do you remember a time where Ubisoft had you looking after cute, fluffy animals? Instead it's highly skilled killing machines for Apple iOS devices. Described as an action RPG set during the Italian Renaissance period, Assassin's Creed Identity allows you to create and customise trained assassins in order for them to complete quests and hone their talent. There'll be four distinct classes to choose from - Berseker, Trickster, Thief and Shadow Blade. 

Trickster has a balanced approach, Shadow Blade offers stealth, Berseker sees you going a bit nuts in direct combat and Thief relies on speed.

The game launches on iOS on 25th February for $5.


Would you raise assassin's on the move?

Box art for Assassin's Creed Identity





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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