Slay Moblins in Hyrule Warriors Legends

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2016

Slay Moblins in Hyrule Warriors Legends on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hyrule Warriors Legends is out soon on Nintendo 3DS, and the game's producer plays through the game in a new video.

The 17 minute sequence showcases the opening portion, with voice actor Ruriko Aoki joining Team Ninja producer Yosuke Hayashi in the heated playthrough session. There's a glimpse of how the game is shaping up on Nintendo 3DS, together with a brief message from Hayashi to wrap things up.

For those of you who have played Hyrule Warriors before on Wii U, it's perhaps all too similar, but does highlight how smoothly it's all been translated onto the handheld.


Hyrule Warriors Legends is out later this month, on 21st January 2016, with the game setting sail to the rest of the world this March.

Will you join Link, Princess Zelda, Ganondorf and pals in Hyrule Warriors Legends this year?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors Legends

Omega Force







C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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