Half-Life Writer Leaves Valve to Pursue Other Projects

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2016 1

Half-Life Writer Leaves Valve to Pursue Other Projects on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One of the key writers behind the immensely popular Half-Life series, Marc Laidlaw, will be leaving valve.

Fans and critics would surely agree that Half-Life has an intriguing and immerse story design that's woven deeply into the core experience. Without such solid writing, Half-Life may well have ended up being a generic shooter with a chap with specs at the helm.

Laidlaw has been a major part of the series, having written Half-Life, Half-Life 2 and the episodic chapters.

"I am no longer a full or part time Valve employee," he said in an email. Reasons for leaving is primarily down to wanting to move onto other projects and "feeling a need for a break from the collaborative chaos of game production."

With Laidlaw no longer working at Valve, the long-rumoured production of Half-Life 3 could have already decayed into nothing.

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Honestly, work on HL3 has probably been going strong for years, and Laidlaw probably already wrote the bulk of it.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

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