This Metroid Fan Movie Oozes CGI Samus Sophistication

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.01.2016 5

This Metroid Fan Movie Oozes CGI Samus Sophistication on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Incase you missed it: Rainfall Films and director Sam Balcomb have conjured up a striking take on bringing Metroid to the big screen.

Nintendo's ever-popular space adventure series has spawned a legion of fans over the years, including many Cubed3 members and staffers. Despite a solid fan-base, not much has been done to try and translate the experience from game world to cinema. Metroid: Other M attempted to invoke a more defined narrative and backstory, but was met with mixed reception from fans and critics alike.

Rainfall Films teamed up with Sam Balcomb last year to produce a short film that borrows tropes from the likes of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien, and Solaris to play with familiar themes: isolation, exploration, and the wonders of deep space.


Could Metroid work well as a Hollywood Blockbuster?

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Really cool. Think it was going places with how to expand Metroid in terms of seeing more of the universe; sort of a Mass Effect vibe, but still remaining solitary, as Metroid and Samus should. Definitely got the massive Alien feels from it, too.

Fuck, I want a new Metroid!

Looks neat, definitely get that older school space film vibe. Good stuff, and would like to see more. Chobot wasn't too convincing though, imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh, nah, Chobot isn't much of an actor. She was shoehorned into Mass Effect 3 for a minor role "because she was such a big fan," and it was just, ugh.

When it comes to a Metroid movie, I cannot accept anything less than perfection.

Can't a fella drink in peace?

That made me happy Smilie The music, FX, & sooo much else sounded & looked gleefully authentic. I thought Chobot did just fine. I'm sure any Metroid fan would have something they wish would've been included (i.e., a power bomb would've done nicely to take out those Space Pirate Raiders, and...wait a sec...did i miss seeing any reference to an actual Metroid?). Still, to my reminiscent eye, this was candy. I'm just glad someone made such a valiant, quality effort. And don't think for a moment that I'm THAT easy to please. This could've gone SO wrong at every turn, but, for the most part, was so RIGHT! It fundamentally beats anything remotely "cinematic" in Other M, that's for sure. I hope someone from Nintendo is watching. Until seeing this film last night, I was quite skeptical that anyone could come close to doing Metroid (Prime) justice on the big screen; now I'm convinced they can go feature-length! I really think the demand is there for it. I SO want a feature length Metroid film (following this film's lead as being true to the Prime series), but I think that its semblance to the Alien movies could be a legal obstacle. Perhaps that's what's prevented them from pursuing it thus far?

( Edited 11.01.2016 15:32 by JasonK )

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