Blocks the Minotaur in This Indie Puzzler

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.01.2016

Blocks the Minotaur in This Indie Puzzler on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Do you recall the tale of The Minotaur? An action, puzzler is being brewed for PC and Wii U.

Indie studio Ratalaika Games have started 2016 with a handful of new games in the pipeline, and one of these is a hybrid between traditional block puzzler with pixel-based action.


You stroll into creepy mazes in order to fend off a bunch of sinister looking, bopping monsters. It's not a case of whipping out a sword and getting all frantic with it, though, but using blocks in the environment to kep them at bay.

The Minotaur will include a Challenge Mode with rules, co-operative and versus play. Online isn't in, yet, but is being considered.

For more on the game, read Ofisil's The Minotaur preview.

Image for Blocks the Minotaur in This Indie Puzzler

What do you think of The Minotaur concept so far?

Box art for The Minotaur



Ratalaika Games





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