Platinum GameCube | UK Bound!

By Adam Riley 26.02.2003 1

Reports have been filtering out with regards to the special edition Platinum GameCube system from Nintendo.

After the release of the Platinum GameBoy Advance came and went last year, and no word surfaced on the launch of the same coloured GameCube, it was generally assumed that we would not only miss out on the funky Spice Orange colour, but also the wickedly cool silvery 'Cube.

But this has now all changed! It can now be revealed that come launch time of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, us Europeans will be able to lay our hands on this wonderful colour.

So, if you've not already done so, pencil in 3rd May, 2003 into your diaries...Oh, and it would probably be a good idea to try and pre-order one of these, as they're bound to shoot off shelves as fast as mice with diarrhoea...

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[Source: Cubers]

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