Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros.

By Az Elias 16.12.2015 5

Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Final Fantasy VII's leading man is now available to purchase as a fighter in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U.

Cloud Strife can be bought individually for 3DS and Wii U for £5.39 in the UK, or as a bundle for both systems for £6.29.

The Midgar stage, complete with both FFVII normal and boss battle soundtracks, is also included with the character, which features various Summons from the original PS1 title that have an effect on the terrain.

Square Enix artist Tetsuya Nomura has designed new artwork featuring Cloud and other Nintendo heroes.

Image for Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros.
Image for Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros.
Image for Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros.
Image for Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros.
Image for Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros.
Image for Cloud Now Available in Super Smash Bros.
Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Gotta nab an avvy outta that art. Hopefully I put some time in to get decent with Cloud. Since I've paid for him, I really should make the effort.

Disappointed it's only the two battle themes tho. If they weren't gonna do any remixes, they shoulda included more than just two. One Winged Angel, Birth of a God, Jenova... So many tunes they coulda put in.

( Edited 16.12.2015 05:25 by Azuardo )

Cloud fights like a Dream Come True. He comes with Two easily executed spikes. Incredible smashing power in almost every A Button skill if you "strike when his blade glows green"

and has a 40% instant KO technique if you land Finishing touch on an opponent! Love him.

A Knight i would honor among my own.

( Edited 16.12.2015 14:27 by Ser Millian )

I'm doing the right thing, when no one else wanted to.

Got him this morning - pretty decent, love the B combo - bit OP for finishing though!

One Winged Angel, Birth of a God, Jenova... So many tunes they coulda put in.

Without a doubt! Bit disappointing though


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Not sure why there's only 2 songs, big opportunity missed imo. Love using Cloud's limit breaks!
Figure it'd be quite suiting to change my avatar as well az xD

( Edited 16.12.2015 21:58 by LKR000 )

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Guest 17.12.2015#5

Yeah the lack of tunes is the only disappointment. 2 songs and they're just battle music. I think nintendo had to pay a pretty penny for cloud

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