Cloud, Bayonetta and Corrin to get amiibo

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.12.2015 1

Cloud, Bayonetta and Corrin to get amiibo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

amiibo figures will be made for Corrin, Bayonetta and Cloud, Nintendo confirmed during the Super Smash Bros. Direct this evening.

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII will be available to download tonight, with Corrin and Bayonetta expected to launch in February. Nintendo won't be leaving these characters out of the Mii experience, with figures currently in development for release at somepoint next year.

An exact date is to be determined, but expect to be able to battle an insanely overpowered Cloud and recoil in fear at a souped-up Bayonetta in the future.

Masahiro Sakurai also confirmed that Ryu, Roy and R.O.B amiibo will be released on 18th March 2016.

Image for Cloud, Bayonetta and Corrin to get amiibo
Image for Cloud, Bayonetta and Corrin to get amiibo

Which amiibo will you add to your collection?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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I'm might be more excited about the amiibo than the playable characters actually being added to Smash.

Not that I don't like that they were added, but I love amiibo!

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