Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.12.2015 5

Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want to play as Geno in Super Smash Bros? The closest option will be a Mii Figter costume.

During the final Super Smash Bros. direct this evening, Nintendo confirmed Bayontta and Fire Emblem star Corrin for the game, but also highlighted the inclusion of the much requested Geno from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars as a downloadable costume, as well as Chocobo hats. So much love from Square Enix!

Image for Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes
Image for Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes
Image for Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes

Other outfits will be available during February 2016, with Knuckles and Tails from the Sonic the Hedgehog series joining the show, alongside many others to complete the year long dose of DLC.

Want to get as close as possible to the characters themselves? Nintendo will be posting QR codes on the official Super Smash Bros. website that can create Mii that closely resemble them.

Image for Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes
Image for Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes
Image for Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes
Image for Geno, Tails and Knuckles are in Smash Bros. as Costumes


Which costumes will you use in Super Smash Bros?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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lol, poor tails look more like it was killed and the Miis are wearing his hide on their body and head XD. That's a bit cruel Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer


RudyC3 said:
lol, poor tails look more like it was killed and the Miis are wearing his hide on their body and head XD. That's a bit cruel Smilie.

I support this theory.

Not even a Dixie Kong Mii costume. Even K. Rool got one.

Oh wait, not allowed to disagree with Smash Bros choices.

Glad they didn't add Dixie Kong. I'm really happy Knuckles, Tails, Genkio (whatever his name is), Chocobo's and generic space person got costumes! This is fantastic. These choices are what everyone wanted and everyone is happy about.


Marzy said:
Not even a Dixie Kong Mii costume. Even K. Rool got one.

Oh wait, not allowed to disagree with Smash Bros choices.

Glad they didn't add Dixie Kong. I'm really happy Knuckles, Tails, Genkio (whatever his name is), Chocobo's and generic space person got costumes! This is fantastic. These choices are what everyone wanted and everyone is happy about.

Why do you care what other people who aren't at this forum think? Express your annoyances freely! I'm defo disappointed there's no Dixie Mii costume. They should have at least added that. They could have done quite a few Mii outfits tbh, including other Kongs. I was thinking and hoping they were gonna add some other FF7 characters as Mii costumes. I mentioned earlier they have the perfect characters for the types of Mii - Tifa for Fighter, Barret for Gunner, Sephiroth for Swordsman. That kinda sucks. I don't use Miis, but I mighta actually bought those.

Okay, well I think it's really ridiculous that Dixie Kong didn't even get a costume. I love Dixie Kong, so naturally I wanted her to be in Smash Bros in some form other than just a static trophy.

A costume obviously wouldn't have been good as the real character, but at least it's something. I'd even take Dixie Kong as an assist trophy at this point. So I'm really disappointed.

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